Should We Look on the Bright Side of the 6th Mass Extinction? – Animalista Untamed — GarryRogers Nature Conservation

“. . . I’m afraid I cannot echo the Professor’s optimism. The future of the Earth he foresees where only the toughest few survive is a planet desperately diminished in richness and complexity. Species at threat right now have their own unique and vital roles within the complex web of life. We do not know all the ways their loss will impair our own survival. But we do know we will lose our delight, our constant surprise at their dazzling beauty, their awesome abilities, from the humblest woodlouse to the blue whale, king of the oceans. “Above all, they too have a right to their life and a place to live it, untrammelled and free.” –Animalista Untamed.

via Should We Look on the Bright Side of the 6th Mass Extinction? – Animalista Untamed — GarryRogers Nature Conservation

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